About Us
Welcome to my blog! My name is Anna. I am a 29 year old wife to a wonderful husband, mother of two amazing little boys under the age of two, postpartum nurse, Christian, daughter, sister, friend, neighbor… well you get the idea. I have what feels like an impossible number of roles to keep up with and somehow, I feel like it keeps growing, as I am sure many of you can relate. We are here to help you navigate the challenges of balancing various roles in life. Whether you are a mother, a wife, a nurse, or someone involved in your community, we’ve got you covered. My goal is to create a fun and interactive community where we can learn and grow together because I for sure don’t have all the answers. My inspiration came from the Proverbs 31 woman. She seems to balance life so effortlessly and she is what I strive to be.
In this blog, we will cover a wide range of topics related to motherhood, family, work, community involvement, personal development, parenting, and women’s health. Our target audience is everyone! However, I am a young woman, mother, nurse, Christian and all those roles I mentioned before so I tend to speak from my perspective. I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I have enjoyed creating it! I look forward to hearing your perspectives. Stay tuned for more!